Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition to discover the hidden Truth and subtle connection between the expressed and unexpressed creation. Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline, an extremely subtle science comprising of a variety of methods through which a human being can attain total inner freedom as well as perfect physical and mental health. Yoga practice brings alignment of body, mind and the deeper levels of the personality in harmony and fulfilment.
The word “Yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj” meaning to join, to yoke or to unite. Yoga is a systematic approach to understand, unfold and establish the connection with our untapped and not understood divine nature. Its aim is to overcome all kinds of sufferings and the reunion of the individual consciousness with the universal or cosmic consciousness (Virat Purusha) or Cosmic Self (Brahman). One who experiences this oneness of existence is said to be “in Yoga” and is called a Yogi who has attained a state of inner freedom, referred to as liberation (Mukti, Moksha) or Nirvana.
– Preface Yoga book, Italy 2019
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