It is not possible to attain perfect health and lasting happiness just by external means such as vitamins and minerals intake, jogging or body studio exercises or by money only. Perfect health and lasting happiness depends very much on our inner attitude how we take life as it is. It is being free from past traumas, blocking old habit patterns, negative thinking etc.. Being free from these blocks and being able to live in the present moment are essential for healthy living.
Knowing about the source of life and having trust in the inner flow: the true Self. This knowingness brings a happy ‘letting go attitude’, radiating inner joy and the understanding that life is a play. Your life is the most exciting movie without any need to purchase a ticket for it. You purchased the ticket, when you decided to incarnate and with the birth, the play has started. Just watch your own breath, thoughts, emotions and the body sensations linked to them! Your mind is the greatest scriptwriter and you are the main character, the hero in it.
December 2010, Grand Canarias
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